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Currently linden labs does not allow scripted/external software to perform any actions like delete, move etc on objects. This can only be done by logging in with the avatar. :(

You can in fact do this. Just rez a copy of the SL HUD, and create a new connection key as it will ask you to do. Then you will have a permanent scanner on your land which you can scan with, without needing to be logged into SL with your avatar at all. Shortly put you can then perform remote-scanning from your computer without needing to be in the sim with your avatar at all.


You can infact do this. Just rez a copy of the SL HUD, and create a new connection key as it will ask you to do. Then you will have a permanent scanner on your land which you can scan with, without needing to be logged into SL with your avatar at all. Shortly put you can then perform remote-scanning from your computer without needing to be in the sim with your avatar at all.


Just found the cause now. Fixed the problem and compiled a new build for Linux. Tested it locally on Ubuntu 9.x, 10.x and 11.04 successfully.

You can download the new version on the official download-page: http://www.thomas-conover.com/gadgets/aos-extreme/downloads/

Let me know how it goes after testing the new version ok! Thanks again for reporting this problem so quickly.

Problem has been fixed with Ubuntu 11.04 distro. 

Linux-users can download the new 1.11.321 release at: http://www.thomas-conover.com/gadgets/aos-extreme/downloads/

The layout-problem with Ubuntu 11.04 Classic has been confirmed. Some of the window-elements are indeed misplaced. I will do some more work on this very soon and try have a fix ready for it in a few days. Thanks a lot for bringing this to my attention. My old install of Ubuntu 10.x seems to work perfect, so it's obviously some changes in 11.04 that causes this. 

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