Your comments

I'm glad someone else is reporting this same issue.  Mine worked for 1 lousy month then stopped.  I had the luck of contacting one of the beta testers who came to my SIM.  There we were able to prove the problem was the scanner and not the sim, software or my internet. In fact, the beta tester "J" was aware of this issue and said that in fact, THAT was the main issue that was SUPPOSED to be fixed in this last update.  So as a further test, I rezzed the scanner and gave the key to J.  He tried to access it with the exact same problem.  Then, I gave him rez power and he rezzed his working scanner and gave me the key.  THIS WORKED!!! for both of us.  He explained that this problem was both an issue with the site's domain as well as he thought, some database that Thomas uses (something like that).

It is not over 3 months since I've tried to contact Thomas. I have tried on here, via SL (many times!) and directly via email.
The ONLY thing, was about 2 months ago, he just sent a replacement Security Orb (which he did about 1 week after I bought the scanner).... which at that time, I IM'd him and said I don't have his Security Orb.  He said he was just sending out mass replacement to all people who purchased from him and to enjoy the gift.  But this second time, after he sent the orb, I sent it right back reminding that the problem is the FULL SIM SCANNER!

I'm at this point very annoyed and disappointed.  Thomas has had a lot of amazing reviews about his support.

But clearly, something is wrong due to the lack of interest to get this fixed.

My attitude is now this.  If you can't fix this problem, REFUND MY $2,600!!!  that is a hell of a lot of money to spend for something that worked for 1 month!  NOT FAIR!

Yeah, I'm pissed off at this point and rightfully so.

So, Nonny, good luck with getting anywhere with a fix.  :(