DNS- Entry not found

DNS error reappeared after SL was moved into the Amazon cloud
After SL was moved from LL's servers into the Amazon Cloud an old error reappeared and the scanner has become useless: "Error: Could not find valid DNS-entry for the in-world object. Please activate the scanner inside secondlife before trying to connect"

(Linux, Ubuntu 11.04) Window displays out of place buttons [SOLVED]
the new update shows all the buttons and icons out of place, and overlays other text, I have a screen shot, which can be viewed at http://friendsbook.dyndns.org/gallery/index.php/Full-Sim-Scanner/Screenshot
Also, the avatar connection manager button does nothing.

Problem has been fixed with Ubuntu 11.04 distro.
Linux-users can download the new 1.11.321 release at: http://www.thomas-conover.com/gadgets/aos-extreme/downloads/

Connection between HUD in SL and pc program no longer working (worked a few months ago)
Hi Thomas! I'm still using your incredibly useful Full-SIM Object Scanner Pro 2.3.263. Sometime in the last few months it's stopped working, unable to contact between the PC based Universal Gadget Controller V1.18.348 and the Full-SIM Object Scanner Pro 2.3.263 HUD in SL. Did something important change. I hope all is well in your real life, you did some magical things here in SL. Thanks!

URGENT! Scanner no longer working in SL. Error is "connection to prim-server failed". Please fix.
I even tried to test from different computers in different cities; different sims where it worked before. On my sim, I have full rights, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. Not connecting to sl's prim server seems to be the issue.
Thomas, PLEASE help. I for one love this scanner and really need it as there is nothing else on SL nearly as good.
Here is the actual log:
Resolving object DNS address [_____________________________ key removed for this post]
DNS address fetched
Sending reset-command to HUD
(objData) Error! Connection to secondlife prim-server failed
(objData) Error! Connection to secondlife prim-server failed

Have you gone out of business?
This product won't run on a modern computer and its not been updated. Are any updates forthcoming?

Hello Thomas,
this is your old friend Kang Wise,I have sold your products from your vendors for years and i was one of your beta testers for your kick ass orb you made years ago before it hit the market. I don't know if your still in the game or not because i know a lot of people having problems with the Lindens these days, but if you are i have a problem with my favorite device of yours.....i there a updated version because i notice it is not working with more then one sim, am speaking about the MSR
for some reason mine is not working correctly and not storing more then one sim.
You can reach me at Kingwise1 Resident

like the object scanner verry much works perfectly , but what if you have been attacked by some griefer and it is imposible to teleport to your parcel ore sim
l like the object scanner verry, much works perfectly , but what if you have been attacked by some griefer and it is imposible to teleport to your parcel ore sim?
It would be great if you could still find hidden objects on the parcel ore sim that you own, even when you can't teleport to your own sim ore parcel.

You can in fact do this. Just rez a copy of the SL HUD, and create a new connection key as it will ask you to do. Then you will have a permanent scanner on your land which you can scan with, without needing to be logged into SL with your avatar at all. Shortly put you can then perform remote-scanning from your computer without needing to be in the sim with your avatar at all.
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